
Showing posts from April, 2018

"Cheer up Sleepy Gene" 4/8/2018 Bob's Burgers

        In the most recent Bob's Burger episode Gene forms a friendship with Alex after they pretend to vomit to get out of running in PE. Alex invites Gene to a sleepover, which gives Gene anxiety. He's never had a sleepover and been away from his mom. He's nervous that Alex's Mom's bedtime ritual will be different from Linda's, and that she won't know his bedtime story "Genie Wienie the Baby Beanie". (Side note: I love Linda and the way she loves her kids)         Reluctantly, Gene decides to go. Although, arriving at Alex's house it becomes clear there is some tension between Alex and his mom since she has enforced a no sugar diet in the house. Gene's night becomes increasingly more uncomfortable; after Alex' parents fall asleep he leads Gene downstairs and out the front door. Once outside he declares that he is running away and that he's built a fort in the woods for this occasion. Upon reaching the fort, Alex binges on sugar p...

"Hurt's Soccer" Bob's Burgers

        Bob's Burgers is one of my favorite shows to watch. It's focused around an entrepreneur and his kooky family. The cast is lovable and funny. There's Bob whose monotone and somewhat of a wet blanket. While his wife is nurturing, light-hearted, and fun. Their eldest daughter is like Bob, she's monotone, but she's quirky and like any other teenage girl obsessed with boys. Gene is the musical one and Louise is the trouble maker! This is my go to show to just throw on in the background while cleaning or chatting with my friends. The one-liners are hilarious and repeatable.          In the most recent episode Bob and Linda realize they had signed up Louise for a soccer teams weeks ago and never took her. The coach of the team calls and asks that she show up for the last game. Louise is not thrilled about this to say the least, neither are her parents.          Upon, arriving at the field Bob is informed that he ...